跨界思维,情感设计 i-baby率先专访西班牙mima品牌开创人


跨界思维,情感设计 i-baby率先专访西班牙mima品牌开创人


行业:母婴 > 母婴生活馆




前言:2009年,第一款mima xari(宝贝行宫)童车问世,人类惊呆了,由于他们第一次看到一款全白色的童车。很快,xari成了时髦的代名词,遭到无数辣妈追捧,风靡全球。2012年,mima品牌由i-baby引入国家,迅速刮起一股“白色旋风”。近日,借着xari“玫瑰金版”上市之机,mima品牌开创人之一Davy Kho承受了i-baby的独家专访。他的回答,未必都按提问的思路来,但全是肺腑之言,充分彰显了一名设计师的个性。

  Premise: Mima xari was showed for the first time in 2009, everyone was shocked because they first saw only showed white strollers. Soon, xari became synonymous with fashion, also gained in popularity by numerous hot mama and spread around the world. In 2012, the introduction of mima brand to China by I-baby and quickly to blow a "white whirlwind".Recently, through the chance of xari "rose-golden" released, Davy Kho who is one of the founders of mima brand accepted I- baby an exclusive interview. His answer that not all according to the thinking of questions, but what he said were all words from the depths of his heart. That fully demonstrated a designer's personality.

  i-baby: Mr. Kho,经常有人提到“前卫”这个词,用来描述mima xari童车。作为xari之父,您赋予这个孩子哪些特质,让他显得这样前卫,这样不同凡响?

  i-baby: Mr. Kho, we always use the word "avant-garde" to describe Mima xari stroller. He looks so avant-garde. As the father of xari, can you tell me how did you make it, he seems so special.

  Mr. Kho:在我的职业生涯中,我设计了许多差异品种的产品,从公用电话、厨房设施到飞机内饰、婴儿产品。对每一个新项目,我都会试着不去看竞争品牌的产品。当我在设计xari童车时,我就没有关注市场上的其他婴儿车。相反,我试图从其他领域里找灵感,好比:汽车业、自行车业、箱包业和运动鞋业。我不断运用这种措施来实现创新的设计,与此同时,始终把消费者放在脑海中来重新思索产品。

  Mr. Kho:During my career I have designed many different kinds of product, ranging from public telephones and kitchen gadgets to airplane interiors and baby products. For each new project I try not to look at competitive products. For example, when I was designing xari I did not pay attention that much to other strollers on the markets. Instead I tried to get inspiration by investigating other industries, like the car industry, bicycle industry, luggage industry, sports shoe industry. This is my way to come up with innovative designs, and at the same time to rethink the product, always keeping the end-user in mind.


  i-baby:What kind of designable inspiration is from your two children? Do you have some special stories and details which are pretty sweet when you remind it?

  Mr. Kho:咱们的两个儿子已经长大了,一个13岁,一个15岁,但我清楚地记得,作为年轻的父母有多么困难。缺乏关照孩子的经验,身边也没有其他人可以协助咱们,由于太太和我都离各自父母的家庭很远。当时最困难的是,咱们基本没有足够的钱去请一位保姆。所以,毫不夸张地说,咱们本人带大了孩子,特别是我太太。这无疑给了咱们灵感去创立mima品牌。我记得很清楚,那时候咱们的婴儿车很容易脏,让婴儿车看起来特别便宜。这启示了我去寻找其他物料,就像咱们在mima座椅局部运用的人造皮革物料。这种物料十分容易清洁,并且表面光滑,看起来就像一辆真正的豪车所拥有的座椅。

  Mr. Kho:Our two sons are big already (13 and 15 years old), but I remember well how difficult it was, to be young parents. Without experience in raising kids, and nobody around to help us, as both my wife and I were living far from each other´s families. On top of that we didn´t have enough money for a babysitter. So we can genuinely say that we have raised our kids all by ourselves (especially my wife of course). This has definitely given us the inspiration to build mima to where it is today. I remember well that our stroller got dirty so incredibly easy, which made it look really cheap. This had inspired me to look for other materials, like the leatherette material, which we use for the xari seat unit. This material is so easy to clean and the smooth surface makes the stroller truly look like the seat of an expensive car.


  i-baby:Your experience is very special: you were born and grown up in different countries, and worked in different European countries later. These experiences are certainly having some impacts on your design. How do you think about it?

  Mr. Kho:尽管我出生在印尼,父母来自国家,但是我在荷兰长大,也在那里学习了设计。在世界设计之都-意大利米兰,我开始了作为一名设计师的工作。在荷兰我学会了分析和理性思索,在意大利我学会了用心去思索、去设计。这些经历,加上在巴黎、旧金山和西班牙的多年工作,共同塑造了今天作为一名设计师的我。我觉得,我是一名全球化的设计师,能够在设计中很好地平衡感性与理性的微妙关系。

  Mr. Kho:Even though I was born in Indonesia (from Chinese parents) I grew up in Holland and had my design education there. However I started working as a designer in Milano (Italy), the design capital of the world. In Holland I was taught to analyse and think rational. In Italy I was taught to think and design with the heart. This, together with the many years of working in Paris, San Franciso and Spain, has shaped me as the designer I am today. I see myself as a global designer with a delicate balance between emotional and rational design.


  i-baby:Now, transboundary design is a very popular trend. Apple invited the LV designer to design I-Watch. In China, a famous star ZIYI ZHANG also started design her own clothing brand. In your opinion, are you one of the members of transboundary design? Do you have some designable impacts by the fashionable experiences?

  Mr. Kho:无论你是一名建筑师,音乐家,雕塑家,时装设计师,还是一名产品设计师,我相信,发明的过程都是雷同的。咱们有一个共同的使命:创立一座建筑,一首歌曲,一件雕塑,一件衣服,一个产品,以某种形式触动人类的感情去应用它们。在我的职业生涯中,依然有诸多东西想去设计,汽车、酒店甚至火车。兴许有一天,我会有机会跨越这些界限并不分明的“边界”。

  Mr. Kho:Whether you are an architect, a musician, a sculptor, a fashion designer, or a product designer, I believe the creative process is the same. We have a common mission: to create a building, a song, a sculpture, a dress or a product that somehow touches the emotions of people that use them.

  I have a whole list of things I would still like to design in my career, like a car, a hotel or even a train. Let´s see if I will have the opportunity one day to cross those loose “boundaries”.

  i-baby:当初,您和夫人Yolanda是怎么决定一起创始MIMA这个品牌的?Art of design 和 Fashion design是两个行业的,你们却能很好地合作,能不能和咱们分享一下你们在合作上的故事呢?

  i-baby:At the beginning, how did you decided to work with your wife to create Mima? Art of design and Fashion design are two different fields, but you able to cooperate well. Can you share with us your story on cooperation it.

  Mr. Kho:我和我太太合得来不只在爱情上,还在工作上。两个有发明力的人一起生活和工作,往往是一个挑战,由于咱们都很执著。但是如今,咱们知道彼此在设计方面的长处,咱们也十分欣赏对方的专业技术。在婴儿产品上,正确地选择面料、颜色、物料和配件是至关重要的,没有我太太在时髦方面的意见,xari的产品就不会像如今这样。

  Mr. Kho:Somehow my wife and I clicked not only in love but also in work. Two creative people living and working together is often a challenge, as we are both very stubborn. But now we know what each other strengths are in terms of design, and our skillsets are very complimentary. With baby products, the right choice of fabrics, colours, materials, and accessories is crucial. Without my wife as a fashion designer, xari wouldn´t be the product it is now.


  i-baby:Could you introduce the new trends of baby products design in Europe currently? Do you know the baby market in China? based on your experience, could you give the young Chinese designers some advice on work?

  Mr. Kho:由于我不会看婴儿领域的其他产品,所以诚实说,我并不知道婴儿产品设计的新趋势。通常,我做我本人的设计,并试图树立趋势而不是追随趋势。2009年,当咱们的xari童车初次展现时,这个领域中的每一个人都为此而震惊,由于,咱们展现了一款完全白色的婴儿车。而在今天,你在街上看到一款完全白色的推车,已经不会再感到多么奇怪了。


  Mr. Kho:As explained before I tend not to look at other products within the baby industry, so honestly I don´t know about new trends for baby product design. I usually do my own thing when designing products, and try to set trends instead of following them. When we showed xari for the first time in 2009, we shocked everyone in the industry because we only showed white strollers. Today it´s not so strange anymore to see a completely white stroller on the street.

  Two pieces of advice for young Chinese designers:

  When working on a new design project, don´t look at existing products, but try to conceptualize the project first. For example, instead of designing a stroller, think of concepts on how to transport a baby easily.

  As a designer you have to be able to put yourself exactly in the shoes of the person you are designing the product for. It does not matter, whether you are designing a product for a 2-year Japanese old boy, a 30-year old American women, or a 90-year old French man. Empathy is one of the most important qualities for a designer to develop.


  i-baby:A recent survey data shows that Mima is ranked the third on the top ten most popular high-end stroller brands that rise very fast. In this survey data, Stokke is ranked first and Bugaboo is ranked second. Can you explain the differences of Mima, Stokke and Bugaboo? Can you look into the future prospects for cooperation with I-baby? In the near future, what surprise will Mima will give us?

  Mr. Kho:和这两个品牌相比,mima太年轻了。咱们仅仅开始了4年而已!买一台高端婴儿车,就像买车一样,无论你决定购置的是Mini Cooper还是捷豹,这一切都取决于你怎么定义你本人,怎么定义它。如果你爱上这辆车,他就会成为你性格的一局部。我相信这与mima是雷同的。对诸多人来说,购置mima往往是一见钟情。这就是我所说的“情感设计”的力量。



  Mr. Kho:Compared to these two other brands mima is so small. We only started 4 years ago! To me buying a high-end stroller is like buying a car. Whether you decide to buy a Mini Cooper or a Jaguar, it all depends on if you identify yourself with it. You basically fall in love with the car, and it becomes part of your personality.

  I believe this to be the same with mima. For many people that have bought mima it´s often a case of love at first sight. This is the power of what I call “emotional design”.

  I´m hoping that we can have a very long and fruitful collaboration with I-baby. I am looking forward to working closer with I-baby and possibly develop products together for the Chinese market. I am very curious to see where both our companies will be within 5 years from now. It will be good!

  We are currently working on some new products, but unfortunately I can´t give away any details. You have to be patient…


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